There are several organizations and publications that publish college rankings. Be sure to look at the criteria considered and methods used to compile the statistics.
- The Princeton Review College Rankings
Although this company's focus is on providing tutoring for college placement tests, they also offer rankings of institutions of higher learning.
- College and University Rankings
This site from the University of Illinois, is an excellent source of information on college rankings--including why you may not want to use rankings.
- College Results Online
Find out about graduation rates at 4-year colleges and universities. From a nonprofit group, the Education Trust.
- College Reality Check
A site from the Chronicle of Higher Education which helps compare colleges and answer questions like, How much will I actually pay for my degree? Will I graduate on time? and Will I make enough to repay my debt?
- Compare College and Universities
A site from The College Board that lets you compare up to three college side-by-side on a variety of factors. Brought to you by the creators of the SAT exam.