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How To: Citation and Style Guides

Use the left-hand tabs below to learn about plagiarism, copyright, and commonly used citation styles.

APA Basics

  • APA Formatting and Style Guide (Purdue OWL).  From the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL), this site provides extensive explanation and examples of APA style. 
  • APA Style Citation Guide (Seattle). This useful handout  from the Seattle Central Community College Library covers  the basics of the APA citation style in an easy to use format.  Explains how to make hanging indents for your references list too!
  • APA Citation Guide from the Santa Fe College Library (Gainesville, FL). This research guide includes information on paper formatting, examples of citations and in-text citations, and video tutorials. 
  • APA Style Guide. This site from the Valencia College Library provides examples of APA in-text citations, references, and how to format a paper. Provides examples for both the 6th & 7th editions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, ask your instructor which edition to use.
  • APA Style Help from the American Psychological Association.

APA Formatting

Formatting the Title Page/Headers

Capitalization and Grammar Formatting

Other Resources

  • Frequently Asked Questions about APA Style . This site, from the American Psychological Association, answers the most frequently asked questions on using the APA style.
  • DOI, URL, Database Name, Accession Number or Permalink. An excellent explanation of when to use a DOI number, a URL, or a permalink from the Rasmussen College Library. If your article does not have a DOI number some instructors will allow you to use the permalink provided by the database instead of the journal URL.  Always check with your instructors to see which method they prefer. 

APA Citation and Research Paper Examples

Citation Examples

Research Paper Examples

APA Tutorials