Library staff will work closely with academic faculty to determine what items best meet classroom objectives and/or student needs using the selection guidelines listed below.
The Division Director makes the final determination on the selection, replacement, and/or removal of all materials, and is responsible for the implementation of these procedures.
The department mission statement provides the framework for the selection process.
Selection aids and tools such as professional journals, bibliographies, and publishers’ catalogs will be used to identify materials for consideration.
Specific considerations in choosing individual materials include some or all of the following:
Materials not normally purchased are:
The majority of selections are current, English language, publications.
Selection criteria for the Nevada collection include:
Selection criteria for the Children’s Collection include:
The Bill Cowee Poetry Collection is a special collection donated by Bill Cowee to the WNC Library in 2007. The collection is composed of books from Mr. Cowee’s private collection and represents poetry from around the world and in various poetic styles, with an emphasis on poetry from the Western United States and Nevada.
Specific considerations in selecting digital databases include some or all of the following:
Given the movement of materials to online formats, in most instances the library will no longer accept gift books. Exceptional gifts, such as those with historical significance, will be evaluated on a case by case basis by the Director of Learning and Innovation after review by library staff. All gifts and donations, unless otherwise specified by written agreement, are subject to the same selection and deselection criteria as the rest of the collection materials.
The WNC Library withdraws outdated and damaged materials to maintain the quality and currency of the collection in a process known as “weeding” or “deselection.” The collection is monitored for outdated material, which is replaced or withdrawn. Individual sections of the general collection are reviewed on a continual basis. Faculty members are encouraged to assist in identifying outdated or inaccurate materials in their areas of expertise.
General criteria for withdrawing materials includes:
The WNC Library follows the guidelines in the WNC Policy on the Use of Copyrighted Materials (3-2-8). All materials added to the library collection and available for use in the library must be compliant with copyright law or be in the public domain.
Any material considered for the library collection that compliant with copyright law, or not in the public domain, will be not be added unless written permission is given to the library from the copyright holder.
The WNC Library and its staff uphold the principles of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries.
In the spirit of open and academic discourse, the library endeavors to select materials that represent a wide variety of opinions, viewpoints, and perspectives. If the appropriateness or value of any material is challenged, the objections must be submitted in writing to the Director of Learning and Innovation before any action will be taken on a complaint.
Carson Campus Library
2201 W. College Parkway
Carson City, Nevada 89703
(775) 445-3229
Fallon Campus Library
160 Campus Way
Fallon, Nevada 89406
(775) 445-3392
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