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Library Services

Use the tabs below to learn more about the different services available at the library.

Embedding Materials for Off Campus Access

To properly embed library materials in Canvas and other online materials:

  • WNC must have the rights to access the resource (like a database) for one to access the full text or video.
  • When linking to journal articles, electronic books, and videos through the library databases, the URL must include the EZproxy prefix, ( ) which allows for off-campus access to these sites. 
  • Permalinks, as described in the directions below, have the necessary EZproxy prefix. 
  • Database resources can be found in the library's Databases A-Z page.

Embedding Library Research Guides

The library has a variety of LibGuides (research guides, pathfinders) to help students find quality information quickly and easily. The librarians encourage all faculty members to suggest links to useful material for these LibGuides. 

To embed a LibGuide:

  • Copy the URL (there is no EZproxy prefix for these guides).
  • Add the link to the course.

Embedding Articles from EBSCO